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Eucharistic Ministers: Under the overall direction of the Prayer and Worship Committee, ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist during Masses and to the home bound. This ministry requires you to be a confirmed, practicing Catholic. Meetings are held as needed and communication is done mostly by email. Participation requires arriving at church 15 minutes before Mass to set up and 15 minutes after Mass to clean the vessels. Training is done after Mass or at your convenience. The commitment is 2-3 Saturdays or Sundays a month, depending on the number of Saturdays and Sundays in the month. Ministers are also used for Holy Days of Obligation. An email is sent out at approximately the 15h of the month to check availability. It is an honor to hold the body or blood of Our Lord in your hands. All are welcome!

Eucharistic Ministers play an exceptionally important role in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, as they help Father distribute the body and blood of Christ to parishioners. 
For information, training or scheduling, please contact Sandy Stokely at

Altar Servers (Acolyte): All male and female members of the parish from 5th grade through adults are eligible to serve as acolytes at parish liturgies. The goal is to instill in the youth of our parish a pattern of service that will continue beyond their service as an altar server. The acolyte is instituted to serve at the altar and to assist the priest and deacon. Time commitments include two training sessions for new altar servers and most serve 1-2 times per month depending on their schedules. Parents and children are encouraged to serve together.

Ministers of the Word (Lector): These ministers proclaim the Word of the Lord for various liturgies.
Requirements: Anyone from high school age through adult who is punctual and dependable, has the ability to read in front of others (large groups) and keeps their composure in unforeseen situations.
Responsibilities: Practice readings before Liturgy, dress appropriately, arrive about 20 minutes before the liturgy and check in with the priest and Mass Coordinator, read announcements, readings and Prayers of the Faithful.

Time requirement is about one hour and fifteen minutes, plus practice time, 1-2 times a month. Ministry is served on Saturdays, Sundays and Holy Days. Length of commitment is one year, renewable as desired. Training with Director of Lectors for one hour initially or more as needed, is available.

Please email Jennifer McKenna at if you are interested in joining this ministry.

Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers): The ushers help with seating and assisting parishioners as needed by taking collections, securing gift bearers and being alert to any circumstances. Ministers of hospitality ensure that the faithful see and experience the love of Christ during the liturgy. They are the first people visitors and parishioners encounter, and as such, they should be outgoing, friendly, and welcoming. A spirit of service is crucial for this ministry. This ministry is open to any parishioner, and we encourage families to sign up for this ministry, serving together as an example of Christian love.

Please contact Head Usher, Dan Stokely at for more information.